Tag: BMW

Most Popular Cars in the 90s

The 90s are considered a decade of new technology and growth. The 90s also left us with some truly iconic vehicles and we have listed some of the very best ones here for your viewing pleasure:   Dodge Caravan (1992)

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Top 10 Most Eco-Friendly Cars

If you are thinking about going green, the first place to start is by focusing on your driving habits. Switching to an eco-friendly vehicle can help reduce your toll on the planet. If you are serious about buying an environment-friendly

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5 Most Powerful Female Car Execs in the World

Let’s face it, some industries are behind the times. Whether it’s resilience to introducing new technologies, chopping down layers of corporate bureaucracy, or reticence to diversify the workforce, old patterns hardly die young. Even in the past couple of decades,

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