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Fuel System

The fuel system is a series of components that help provide gasoline fuel to the engine and allow it to operate. Gas-powered vehicles run on an internal combustion engine that utilize an air-fuel mixture to allow the vehicle to drive. Older vehicles had fuel systems that just relied on a fuel pump and a carburetor. Now that the carburetor has been phased out in modern times, modern vehicles use a more complex fuel system. Let’s take a look at the components that make up the modern fuel system.

Main components of a fuel system

Fuel Tank

The fuel tank is simply a reservoir that stores gasoline within your vehicle. A float inside the tank tells the fuel gauge how much fuel is left in the tank so you know exactly when you need to fill up. Modern vehicles might also host the fuel pump, filter, and pressure regulator inside the fuel tank as well.

Fuel Injector

The fuel injector utilizes a nozzle and a valve to distribute the precise amount of gasoline to the engine that is needed. They are controlled by the car’s computer and there is typically one fuel injector per engine cylinder.

Fuel Pump

The fuel pump is the mechanical component that draws fuel from the fuel tank and sends it to the fuel injector for distribution. Many modern fuel pumps will have a pressure regulator built into the pump as well.

Fuel Pressure Regulator

In vehicles that don’t have a pressure regulator built-in to the fuel pump, an external fuel pressure regulator is used. This type of fuel pressure regulator uses return lines to return any excess fuel that is drawn back into the gas tank. This stabilizes the fuel pressure and allows the amount of gasoline delivered by the fuel injector to be at its optimal level.

Fuel Filter

The fuel filter removes any impurities and unwanted particulates from the fuel before it is used by the engine. You should have your fuel filter replaced regularly. Check with your manufacturer’s recommended change interval for your specific vehicle.

Fuel system maintenance

As there are several different components that make up the fuel system, you may experience a variety of different issues that may cause poor engine performance or poor fuel economy. Replacing your fuel filter is a part of your routine car maintenance that will help you avoid larger problems in the future. If you suspect any issues with your fuel system, get your vehicle serviced by a car care professional who will be able to diagnose the issue and repair or replace any components necessary.

The best way to get maintenance done on your fuel system is to book your appointment through CarAdvise. CarAdvise makes car care simple and guarantees that you’ll pay less than retail price on all car maintenance services.

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